Lordy, no more of day one! Ok, a few more...
J-baby made sure to pack one of his books by Timothy Zahn because he was going to be at the Con. I forgot to look for one of mine, but luckily, they had a few of his Star Wars ones there. Considering we ended up staying in line twice (don't ask) it was pretty cool. We met this couple in line that reminded me of J-baby and me. The guy had a goofy sense of humor and the wife was more talkative. Hope J-baby and I will be like that in forty years! Still going to conventions and driving each other crazy! Sweet! Anyways....
Charlaine Harris signing! |
Turns out Charlaine Harris, the author of the Southern Vampire Series (which inspired True Blood), was in the next area. Her line was incredibly long, and poor G-cup waited HOURS for her John Hancock. But she finally did get it! Hooray!
J-baby, me, & Zahn!!! |
Ok, have to tell you this, but there was this one guy in line who was a HUGE fan of Zahn. Not in the weight sense, but in the 'I brought 40+ books for him to sign' sense. The handlers asked him to get in the very back of line, so he would be signed last. WOW.
Here is the guy! He was nice! |
On with random pictures!
The Guild cosplayers! Clara & Codex!!! |
Go troops! |
Suckerpunch cosplayers! Awesome!!! |
These girls were lost- and for a picture, we showed them to the Sheraton. Good thing we were on our way there! They made these costumes- sweet! Jealous of their talent!!!!
One cool thing about this con is that it brings out the creative side! Some guy built a motorcycle with wicked dragons! I want one!!!!!
After retreating back to our hotel room, we were lucky to meet up with some friends we hadn't seen since Animazment 2010! The twins met us for a game of magic, OF COURSE!
Can you see G-cup? |
J-baby |
G-cup isn't done yet! This is a break before she goes out again! |
Dog pile? |
The Dharma Initiative!!!! |
OMG, one very cool thing is J-baby and I had been rushing to finish Lost off Netflix. After magic, we decided to wander the hotel, and found this guy!!! EIII if only the guy who played Ben Linus was around! And that is day one of the con! Next year I will definitely take more pictures- but I was overwhelmed, damnit!
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